Week 17
Elder Paulson, me, Elder Ruiz, and Elder Castillo Hey Everyone!!! Boy has it been an interesting week... to say the least. Unfortunately, last P-day I wasn't able to draft up a blog myself, and rather my mom had to give a short little update on all that was going on with me. Basically at the start of this week we were quarantined to our house in Brazil, still able to walk about close to our home, and walk over to our chapel to play sports. Honestly, the saving grace of our weekend in quarantine in Mooca was being able to go to our chapel. One of our members, who is honestly the BEST, not only bought us a basketball (since Elder Vanderwerkin was dying to play b-ball), but he also brought us dinner one night, and breakfast, lunch and dinner the next day, during our quarantine. Ismael is honestly just so amazing, and we were and are incredibly grateful for his charity and love for the missionaries. During the quarantine, they had to cl...