Week 44 (Week 27 in Michigan)

My keyboard that I'll have to leave behind! "Elder Lightheart, how would you feel about returning to your original assignment on Febuary 11th-12th?". "President Heap, that sounds great to me!". This conversation happened two days ago over the phone with my mission president. Looks like I'm going to be returning to my original assignment of the São Paulo Leste, Brazil mission in about 3 weeks!! It was honestly really sudden, and way sooner than I expected, but I am super excited to be heading back. However, I will miss this mission very much and all the people I have met. This week in South Haven, we certainly saw some miracles! Maybe not the crazy kind of miracles you hear about, someone being super prepared to receive the gospel, or instantly desirous to be baptized, but miracles to us. For one, Elder Kofford and I had 58 new "contacts" or conversations with people on Facebook this week. That number may mean nothing to you, but to us, that'...