Week 48 (Week 2 Back in Brazil)

Walking to lunch. And just like that I've completed my first full week in Brazil! Or rather I should say my 2nd, 1st full week in Brazil. Haha! It's been a really fun and crazy week! It's been a little long, but that's to be expected and it's been a great week nonetheless. On Tuesday, we took an Uber early in the morning, down to the mission office for some further training for us new missionaries and our trainers as well. It was actually really nice to see the other American missionaries again and see how they were doing. We all admitted that our trainers had been working us super hard with studying the language, but that's not a bad thing at all. It was amazing to me how much we all improved in just a few days. One elder, Elder Gannon, who is super pale, showed up completely red. Yeah, he got very sun burnt. But we had a short meeting with our mission president, then all together with our trainers too, and then had pizza for lunch. Home-made pizza! I also h...