Merry Christmas!!

This week was seriously sick! Literally. But even though I caught a cold this week, I have to say, it was probably my favorite week yet. 

For one, I've grown so much closer to my district, District 23-A. To give you a run-down, my district consists of 8 elders including myself, and 1 solo sister missionary. My companion Elder Ruis is honestly one of the best matches for me. He can be pretty sophisticated, and he is super smart considering he tutored Calculus and Physics in high school to many many students. He also, however, has a very goofy side, and says some of the most random things ever; you have no idea. He is from Southern California, and claims to know all the trends and memes of our generation, and is constantly singing a different rock, rap,or even Taylor Swift song while walking from place to place. He has a strong testimony of this gospel, and is just the most wonderful companion. Now don't get me wrong, sometimes we can get defensive or cranky, and since we have to be together at all times, things aren't always the best between us, but nonetheless, we make a good team, and I'm glad to get to do the Lord's work with such a valiant young man. 

Our roommates who are also in our district include Elder Paulson and Elder Castillo. Elder Paulson is kind of a scrawny white guy, who surprises you with his speed and endurance. We did a wall sit the other day in my Portuguese class, to demonstrate having faith, and Elder Paulson beat us all out by a landslide. He is also a crazy scriptorian, meaning he knows the Bible and Book of Mormon backwards and forwards, like no one I've ever met. 
Elder Castillo is a big football player from Las Vegas, yet he is a super cool and trustworthy guy with a beautiful singing voice, and a hilarious sense of humor. One day while practicing teaching an "interested person" in class, i look over to see Elder Castillo making the craziest, stupid faces at me, trying to get me to break. It worked alright, and I busted up laughing. Since then he's always making the same funny faces at me out of nowhere, and it cracks me up every time. 

Another companionship in my district consists of Elder Sanchez-Blackwell and Elder Thackery. Elder Thackery is from way up in northern California. So much so that his home church ward is technically an Oregon ward. He tended a ranch with his family back home, and has a bit of a southern twang accent. Elder Thackery is seriously the coolest guy though. He's so funny and always says "é aí tchê!" to me, which is basically Brazilian Portuguese slang for "what's up bro?!". His companion, Elder Blackwell, is also a really cool dude. He's a really sweet and goofy guy, but man, he is such a klutz. We love the guy, but he runs into things and trips several times a day, everyday. However, he is so kind and willing to serve. He openly told us all that he specifically put in his mission papers that he didn't want to speak a second language on his mission, and yet here he is going to Brazil, Portuguese speaking. Nonetheless, he is working super hard to learn the language and is a light to us all. 

Elder Davis and Elder Clawson are the last elders in my district, and man are they perfect for each other. I think it's fair to say that they are both huge nerds, but Elder Davis is a very thoughtful guy, and although Elder Clawson is a bit stern, he's still a great guy when you get to know him. They both have played in band for years, and Elder Davis has been in choir for about 8 years. Finally, sister Brown is our solo sister missionary. She's very sweet, and I believe will be serving at the visitor center of the São Paulo Brazil Temple. It's been a little odd that she hasn't had a companion in class, but outside of class she quickly meets up with another sister missionary who is also solo. I just love my district so much, and seeing as we are coming up on being halfway done with MTC training, I've been thinking lately just how much I'm gonna miss them. Hopefully, some of us can stay in touch, but most of us won't see each other since we are all serving in different missions.
At the start of this week, I auditioned with Elder Clawson singing "O Holy Night" as a solo, for one of the Christmas devotionals. It was Elder Clawson's idea, and man am I glad he asked me because we made it!! We will be performing on the night of Christmas Eve in front of all the missionaries leaders and teachers here, meaning probably around 1,500 people or so. Apparently there will also be a General Authority (maybe even the prophet) there on Christmas Eve speaking, which is just crazy!!!!!

Unfortunately, the day after I found out we would be performing the following week, I got sick with a cold. It started with a sore throat, which led to coughing, congestion, and feeling weak. I've been super worried, that maybe I wouldn't be able to perform, but I'm feeling better today, and I think I'll do just fine tomorrow.

We also lost one of our Portuguese teachers this week. He said he would visit us after Christmas break, but that he would no longer be teaching us. His name is Brother Ross, and he is the smiliest guy you could ever meet. But to thank him for teaching us, we bought him a nice blue tie with angel Moroni in gold on it. He loved it and we will most certainly miss him. 

This Christmas will be my first Christmas away from home, but I am so excited!! We will be having lots of awesome devotionals Christmas Eve and Christmas, and we will be watching "It's a Wonderful Life" for Christmas, which is like my favorite Christmas movie ever!! 

I just want to wish everyone back home a Merry Christmas, and thank you once again for all your love and support! Feliz Natal vocês! Chão Chão!

My companion

My other roommates

Supplies :)

The view from my dorm


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