Week 8

Hello all!! This week I was issued a phone, and I've taken it upon myself to draft up my blog email early this morning, that way I can really type up as much as I would like about my amazing week, because it truly has been just such an incredible week. On Tuesday I had my first Zone Conference, which is basically a meeting of all the zones in the mission, in which we received about 5 hours of council, goals and reminders, as well as an amazing lunch. We also got to enjoy the company of all the other missionaries in our mission and we took a huge mission picture . It was super nice as well to get to see Elder Blackwell again, who was in my district in the MTC, He has been serving in the only Portuguese ward in our mission. Although I'm a bit jealous that he gets to attend a Portuguese ward, I'm still so grateful for the ward I am currently attending in Cypress Creek. Elder Blackwell was telling me how sacrament meeting for him was crazy, and very hard to understand, as...