Week 28 (Week 11 in Michigan)

Lake Huron Selfie! Hello again everyone! Another week has gone by, and boy has it been great! One of the highlights of this week was meeting with our friend Ben so much. We met with him 3 times this week, twice for lessons, and a third time to eat at a pizza place called the Gathering Place. It was actually super good pizza, and they had a sale that night, so it was perfect. Unfortunately, Ben had to work on Sunday this week and couldn't come to church, but we talked to him about General Conference next week and he is planning on watching at least some of the sessions. Pizza with Ben! While walking around the other day we ran into a type of worship service out on the street, in front of the courthouse. We stayed for a little bit while everyone sang songs, and the head person prayed for us missionaries. A guy we had met quite a while ago named Alen was there, and so we got to catch up with him a little bit. After the service was over, we walked with Alen, and he invite...