Week 31 (Week 14 in Michigan)

Fun nature walk, with my new comp! A mission thus far has taught me, unlike anything else, how to handle change, and that change can and should be exciting! This week marked the start of a new transfer, and along with it some big changes. At the start of this week, we drove down to Lansing to pick up my new trainee named Elder Bradford. He's a super cool kid from Portland, Oregon, and is one of the few missionaries originally assigned to Michigan. He actually lived years ago in Eugene, which is pretty cool! Interestingly enough he's got some weird allergies. He is allergic to avocado, carrots and walnuts, and has false allergies to most fruits. Meaning he isn't actually allergic to them, but his brain thinks he is, and causes a reaction. But overall he is a great guy, and I'm sure will grow to be an amazing missionary. Meeting my new comp! The day that we picked Elder Bradford up, my old companion, Elder Seeley, told me there was a cheap piano keyboard at the Goodwill...