Week 29 (Week 12 in Michigan)
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Freshly baked donuts! |
Another awesome week has gone by! I hope you are all doing well and were able to tune in to general conference this last weekend. This time around my week wasn't too eventful, but I'll try to include as much as I can remember regardless!
This transfer we had originally heard that we wouldn't be having a zone conference, where all the elders and sisters in our zone get to meet together. However, this week we found out that we will in fact be having zone conference, as well as interviews with our mission president our last week of the transfer! As excited as we are, we are also a little nervous. So we get allotted a certain amount of miles each month that we are to try to not go over on. Well, last month we went over a little bit, which wasn't completely our fault. But this month we are almost doomed to go over. With transfers, interviews, zone conference, and the Saginaw elders taking our car the next 2 Mondays, for their district P-days, we likely will run out of miles real quick... but oh well! It's kind of out of our control and that's okay.
Last P-day we wanted to play some more volleyball, but it was raining for most of the day. After a while we just decided to go play in the rain since we really wanted to get out of the house. It was freezing cold, and the wet sand stuck to the ball, and hurt when we hit it, but it was still fun! At one point I ran after the ball in the wet grass, slipped, and face planted. But as cold and wet as it was, it was super fun, and well worth it. We also kept seeing cars pull into the parking lot near us, some of them just sitting there for a considerable amount of time. We were convinced they were just watching us in awe, these 6 weird young men playing volleyball in the freezing rain.
For general conference we borrowed a projector so that we didn't have to watch it on our small phones. We were hoping that we could watch it at the church with some friends, but none of them were able to make it, so we just decided to watch it at the house. It's funny because, as missionaries, especially during these times, there are always rumors about possible changes that will happen at conference, but Elder Seeley and I were convinced that amidst all the recent change that this general conference would just be normal, without any changes. We were right! Besides more new temples announced, it was just a good old conference with great counsel. During the conference, I believe at the end of the Saturday sessions, Elder Uchtdorf gave a talk that I really enjoyed. However, something really special happened towards the end of his talk. Something he said made me think of a scripture or quote I had latched on to more recently, but I couldn't quite remember how it went. It had something to do with being still. Then suddenly Elder Uchtdorf quoted that very scripture saying "stand still, and see the salvation of God". It was just super cool, as if he read my very mind!!!
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General Conference with the gang 😀 |
I've also been working on a 3-d puzzle I found in our apartment this week of some castle. It's fun, but sooooo frustrating! So much of it looks exactly the same, and it's hard to know where to even start, but when it's finished I will definitely take a picture!
Out of nowhere yesterday, my mom messaged me, asking if I wanted to join in on the baby blessing of my new nephew, Kai. Luckily we weren't busy at the time, so I was able to join over Zoom! You know, as weird as things are right now, in normal times I wouldn't at all be able to join my nephew's baby blessing, but due to the circumstances right now I could! And so could most of my family, in Oregon and Idaho.
Anyways, thank you all for your love and support! Again, I hope you all had a chance to watch general conference, and if not, I invite you to go on the church website (https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org) and watch the talks! Take care everybody!
~Elder Kasey Lightheart
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