Week 33 (Week 16 in Michigan)
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Us and the Saginaw Brethren at the Bad Axe sign |
Hello everyone!! Its been another great week here in Bad Axe, Michigan.
This week we met once again with our friend Stacy down in Sandusky. She seemed quite interested and all the things that we shared with her she agreed with. We met her at this community building to have our lesson, and on the way out we were stopped by a couple of individuals. They asked who we worked for and we told them we were missionaries. Long story short, we left them both with copies of the Book of Mormon, and our numbers. However, they didn't want to give us their numbers... still though, it was a good time!
We also had another lesson our friend Tim, the pastor. This time, we took our branch mission leader, Byron, with us to the lesson. And let me tell you, Byron is just awesome. He's the most hilarious guy you will ever meet, with an awesome conversion story and a strong testimony. The lesson went really well, and Tim told us that he was very grateful for our discussions that we had been having, that they helped him to write out and plan out his next sermon. That made us really happy. Honestly, it's been really great to learn from one another about our faiths and our beliefs. Certainly, we have both been strengthened. After our lesson, Byron decided to take us out for dinner, and we went to Big Boy. Let's just say it was delicious, yet bad timing...
That night was one of the last nights the Elders down the street would be here in Bad Axe, as they finally got an apartment down in their area. Since they won't be going straight to their apartment when they leave, they couldn't take a lot of their food, so they decided that night to cook pretty much everything for a huge feast. Keep in mind, we were also on tradeoffs with the Caro Elders today, so there were 8 of us in Bad Axe. Well, after dinner at Big Boy, Elder Seeley and I were stuffed, and we came back to a feast. We were sooooo full by the end of the night.
As missionaries right now, we do more of our work through social media and technology than ever before. Well honestly, it's been really hard for me in this area trying to find people to teach through Facebook. People are just not very receptive. However, this week someone finally accepted to meet with us, and she was somebody I found through Facebook! Fingers crossed our lesson goes through still, but nonetheless, I'm just really excited to finally have some amount of success from a Facebook finding.
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Ben and Jerry's with our district! |
Today as well, we finally said goodbye to the Saginaw Elders who have been staying in Bad Axe. After 2 and 1/2 transfers they are finally going to their area. I have to be honest, it's been super fun having them here. All the fun memories we have shared, and things we have done together have been unforgettable. We'll still see them, heck even in a day we will be meeting in person for our district council. But it's going to be different not having them within walking distance. On my mission, I've had to experience a ton of change, and have had to say goodbye to so many people. But now I'm really starting to learn to cherish change, and to trust in the Lord when I have to leave the comfort and enter into the unknown. It's so amazing to me how the Lord can change people, both those we teach, and us missionaries ourselves. I still have so many flaws and weaknesses, but I believe and know that the Lord has been changing me for the better over this last year.
Overall, this week was a blast, and here's to another great one! To those of you struggling or in need, know that God is aware of you, and will strengthen you and help you! I love you all, and I hope you have a wonderful rest of your week! ~Elder Lightheart
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Pumpkin pie my companion and I made this week! (It turned out super good!) |
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