Hot sunny day! |
Man, what a crazy week! From lockdowns to powerful spiritual lessons, this has certainly been an eventful week.
Starting on Tuesday we had an awesome and busy day where we had lunch with a wonderful family and then had a really special lesson about depression, and how we can help others who struggle with depression. Later that night, we had another lesson with our dear friend Dafine and boy was it special. We ended up staying a little late talking with the family and Dafine, and she ended up really opening up to us. She let us know that she really wants to be baptized, but just has a few things in her life keeping her from feeling worthy of taking that step. But we are determined to keep working with her, to help her along the path, even if that doesn't immediately lead to baptism. Because honestly, our purpose isn't solely to baptize, that's simply a fruit of our labors, but it is to help others to improve their lives by coming unto Christ. But overall, it was an amazing lesson, and I'm so glad we had it that night, because on the way home, we found out São Paulo had entered into the Red zone for COVID cases, and our town ended up getting put into a lockdown.
At first the lockdown was only for a few towns in the city, but yesterday it was extended for the whole state of São Paulo. This means that for the time being, we can no longer have any lessons, meals, or meetings in person. We also are not allowed to accept meals or money from members, meaning we will have to cook all of our meals ourselves. Luckily, we have become much more accustomed with doing the work virtually, but it's still a bit of a bummer. That was one thing I was really looking forward to when I found out I was coming back to Brazil, having more lessons and member meals in person. But nonetheless, everything will work out, and the work will continue forward; that much I know.
Pizza time! |
We also found out that our zone conference which was supposed to be in person is canceled as well. I was really looking forward to it, but maybe we will be able to do it later this transfer, if things clear up soon.
For those of you who are wondering, I am doing a lot better this week. Last week was pretty difficult for me, and very discouraging. I felt inadequate with the language, and as a missionary, but this week I feel so much more confident and happy. Learning the language has been so hard, but I have no doubt that my hard work will pay off, and I can say today, that it HAS been paying off. Day by day, it is getting easier to understand others, and to give meaningful responses as well. I can testify that the Lord will never abandon those that seek him with pure intent. Sometimes we have to struggle a little bit. That's part of the purpose of this life. As it says in 2 Nephi 2:11, "For it must be, that there is an opposition in all things.", meaning that in order to have joy and peace, we have to sometimes experience pain and disappointment. So if any of you are struggling right now with something, just remember that as you trust in the Lord, he will deliver you! For as the Savior said, "I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you" (John 14:18).
~Elder Kasey Lightheart
Beautiful São Paulo skies! |
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