Week 57 (Week 11 Back in Brazil!)

Beautiful view at the train station Wow, what a week!! This was probably one of the more interesting weeks Elder Souza and I have had, so I definitely have a few things to share this time around! Earlier this week we had a wonderful lesson with our friend Gabriel, in which we included another pair of missionaries that live a little closer to him. Unfortunately, we've had to pass him on to those elders, but he's in good hands! That's the one down side to covering the Mission Branch, is that anyone we start teaching in those areas, we eventually have to refer to other missionaries who live closer. But its still been great to have a few extra people to contact and teach. On Thursday, we also had an interesting run in with bugs. Earlier in the day we started noticing big flies in the house, but just a few. Then they kept coming, and we knew something was up. We checked most of the house to try and see where they were coming from, but they seemed to come from every room. We we...