Week 54 (Week 8 Back in Brazil!)
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Picture for a video answering this statement, "Because of him I can..." |
What an awesome week! From Easter to General Conference to baptismal dates, this was certainly a week to remember!
Towards the beginning of the week, we continued to teach our friend, Janayna, all that she would need to know for her baptism on April 11th. We also received a referral from some sister missionaries in Salt Lake City, Utah of Diego, a young guy very interested in the church. We taught him a couple lessons, one with the sisters and one without, and then invited him as well to be baptized on April 11th. If all goes well, we may see these two enter the waters baptism this week! Unfortunately, we haven't been able to get in contact with Janayna the last few days, but we are praying that she is still willing to be baptized. But even if it takes her a little more time, I have faith that her and her family will eventually join the church!
The other day Elder Souza and I also got called to be the Mission Branch Leaders, which I had no idea was even a thing. Basically, there are many areas in our mission without an official church presence of a branch or ward, and it is the mission president's responsibility to take care of these individuals who are far from any congregations. Now we have been delegated to take care of these members, and if possible, arrange for new groups, branches and wards being formed. Pretty exciting, huh? I still don't know all the logistics behind this calling, but I'm still very pumped.
Easter weekend was also wonderful. Three member families brought us chocolate candies, and we had a blast watching the Saturday and Sunday sessions of General Conference. One of my favorite talks given was by Elder Gong who spoke about how salmon find there way back to their home streams using scent. How a subtle yet familiar scent leads them all the way from the deep sea back home, and how we are also trying to find our way back home to God. I also loved his highlight in the story of the Good Samaritan, and how we can welcome others into to the 'Lord's Inn' to be healed, and to find their way back home as well.
I also freaked out when the prophet announced the building of a new temple in my home town, Eugene Oregon!!! Before the last session, my companion Elder Souza and I were talking about where we thought new temples would be built, and I said "hopefully one in Oregon!", jokingly suggesting Eugene, and little did I know in 2 hours the prophet would announce just that, Eugene, Oregon. Even though it will take many years to be built, I am so excited!!
This is also the last week of our transfer, and Elder Souza will be going home 5 days after the transfer ends. This means most likely he will be transferred, or perhaps we will be in a trio for those remaining 5 days. I'm definitely going to miss this Elder. Though we haven't always gotten along perfectly, he's been a wonderful teacher and trainer, and a fun, intelligent and reliable companion. You have to say a lot of goodbyes as a missionary, but I'm sure I'll hear from him again. One of his threats, which I suspect is half a joke is that I need to write him an email every week after he leaves. I told him I can't promise every week, but certainly we can keep in touch. But I'm excited nonetheless to see what changes will occur in the mission this week.
But anyways, I hope you all had a wonderful Easter and were able to tune into General Conference. Talk to you all next week!
~Elder Kasey Lightheart
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Elder Souza's pic, answering |
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New haircut! |
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Pics with the Gaurulho District! |
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