Week 74 (Week 28 Back in Brazil!)

Riding home from our mission conference! Hey everybody! Yet another wonderful week has passed by as a full time missionary of the Lord, and boy was it an amazing week. Early on Tuesday morning, we received the news that Elder Parrella of the Seventy would be visiting our mission, and that we would be having a conference the next day with him, and another zone as well. We ended up having to wake up super early, at around 4 in the morning to make it there on time, and so after a tiring morning, and a 3 hour drive in a big van with our whole zone, we finally arrived and had a wonderful conference. It seriously always amazes me the powerful spirit members of the Seventy have with them. Despite my exhaustion, I couldn't help myself enjoying every minute, hearing the counsel of Elder Parrella. We also were able to visit our friend Desiree in person for the first time! She is a really sweet woman, who has decided to be baptized this Sunday, August 29th. Although, we have had to te...