Week 71 (Week 25 Back in Brazil!)
Zone Conference shenanigans |
"For behold, this life is the time for men to prepare to meet God; yea, behold the day of this life is the day for men to perform their labors." (Alma 34:32). This life is a time to work hard, not only exercising our faith, but also laboring physically to provide for our families and loved ones, and multiply the blessings and talents God has given us. Labor is defined as work that is hard that is accomplished by great effort, meaning that life won't always be easy, in fact many times difficult and tiring, but I take comfort in the promise from the Lord that all things will work together for our good so long as we trust in Him.
This Sunday, our wonderful friend Eduardo surprised us by exclaiming after our Sacrament meeting, "Elder, I'd like to be baptized, how can I go about doing so?". These are the kinds of words you dream to hear as a missionary, but let me tell you, this man is certainly prepared and ready to enter the waters of baptism. He told us a few weeks ago that he needed to receive a confirmation first, before deciding to be baptized or not, and it seems as if he received that very confirmation from the Lord that he was looking for.
Wednesday morning, we had our first zone conference with President and Sister Kofford, and boy was it a blast! This time we had the conference a little bit closer to our area, so we didn't have to travel near as much, which was a huge blessing. Elder Costa and I also made some coconut cake that turned out super good. Everybody said it was amazing! Although let's be honest, Elder Costa did most of the actual cooking, so he deserves the credit. Then the following day, we took the train back to the same chapel in Poá to have interviews with President Kofford. But it was just so nice to see the missionaries in our zone again.
More Zone Conference shenanigans |
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Interviews with President Kofford! |
Wednesday night, after our zone conference, we also had dinner with a sweet sister in the ward, Sister Dalva and her husband. She invited her neighbor Leila over as well, and after we finished eating, another sister, Fernanda, showed up to visit. We had a great discussion with Leila about the church, and gave her and her husband (who showed up just as we were leaving) a copy of the Book of Mormon. Sunday morning they came to church, and seemed to really enjoy the service! They are a super cute young couple, and very curious and kind individuals, so we are excited to get to know them, and teach them about the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.
Overall, it was a blessed week, and the second to last of the transfer, meaning that next Sunday, we'll know if either Elder Costa or I will leave the area or stay. I've loved the time I've spent in Brás Cubas, and would honestly be content with serving here another transfer, but I also would love to serve in at least one more area here in São Paulo. Nonetheless, I'm excited to see the changes President Kofford has in store for the mission, because I'm certain there will be lots of changes made.
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Surprise pizza dinner delivery from a member family. |
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Lunch with Bishop Eric |
~Elder Kasey Lightheart
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