Week 79 (Week 33 Back in Brazil!)

Thanks Sister Santos for sending us chocolate turtles! (They were really good, in case you were wondering) Hey everybody! What a week of changes, trials and miracles it has been! On transfer day, I met my new trainee and said goodbye to my former companion, Elder Costa. My new companion, Elder Ceron, is a super sweet guy from Larges, Santa Catarina, a Brazil state in the south. He is a super dedicated missionary and the kindest soul you will ever meet, so I am super excited to train him as a missionary and show him the ropes! Along with him, 3 sisters and one other elder arrived, and this week we will be receiving 6 more American missionaries, which will be a huge blessing to the area. My two Brazilian sons, Elder Costa and Elder Ceron! Arriving in our new area was a little rough and slow. However, we arrived safely and, after lots of cleaning, had a great night's sleep. The first 2 days were super slow, as neither of us knew the area, and I was having to explain a lot of things ...