Week 89 (Week 43 Back in Brazil!)


My last district council with the best district in the world!

It's so crazy to believe that I only have one more week in the mission field, but it's becoming more and more real every day. This week was miraculous, and the following week I know will be insane and surreal!

Tuesday morning our poor companion, Elder Ceron, woke up with a terrible headache, and ended up throwing up several times throughout the day. The next day, he still wasn't feeling well, so we went to the hospital to see what was up, and they gave him some medicine that fixed him right up. It's interesting to see how differently everyone handles sickness. I feel like as a child, even with high fevers and many other symptoms, I typically just took common medicine and waited it out. But luckily, on Wednesday, we were able to get back to work, and had a wonderful night.

 Cleaning time!
This week we also were preparing our friends Denise and Beatriz to be baptized on Sunday. After some great final lessons and baptismal interviews, we participated in a wonderful baptismal service for the two. I also had the privilege to baptize our friend Denise, making my last baptism on the mission all the more special.

The Baptism of Denise and Beatriz

We also had our district council on Saturday in Itaqua, and then participated in the baptism of Douglas, an investigator of Sister Bird and Sister Carvalho in our district. Our whole district in fact participated, including our zone leaders, of which 3 companionships already knew or taught Douglas in the past. Let's just say, it was a very incredible night!

Lunch at Ragazzo!

Elder Shepherd's first train ride in São Paulo

This next week is also going to be crazy, with zone conference, mission president interviews, going to the temple and a fun open house church activity! I'm super excited to see you all here in a week, and am so thankful for all your love, support and prayers. Until next week!

~Elder Kasey Lightheart

Grapes anyone?

Spiderman and Naruto in the same place???
What a crossover!


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