Week 70 (Week 24 Back in Brazil!)

Patricia's baptism. Wow, what a wonderful week it has been! I wanted to start out my email sharing an awesome scripture I read this week in Mosiah 5, verse 12, which says "I would that ye should remember to retain the name [of Christ] written always in your hearts". I love so much this invitation from King Benjamin because it has so much layered meaning. I find it truly important that he invited us to write the name of Christ in our hearts, and not just on our wrists, or in our mind. Our heart is generally associated with feeling, and love, emotion and joy, and when we center those feelings in Christ, everything we do follows suit with what Jesus would do. But how exactly can we keep Christ always written in our hearts? I don't think it's a one time experience that remains forever without maintenance. Rather, I believe that we need to work and labor every day to remember Jesus Christ, and love and serve as he did. Choosing the harder right, rather than the easie...